Complete list: Top 25 Horror Movies. Here's one more for comparison:

"The way that American home builders keep pushing out into new territory, developing parcels of land once considered unsafe for residential construction, is an architectural version of the way that banks and lenders have acted over the last decade, practically tossing money at borrowers once dismissed as too much of a credit risk. The goal in both cases is to maintain a pace of growth and expansion that is ultimately unsustainable." -- From "It's time to recognize, not defy, wildfire risks" by Christopher Hawthorne, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer , October 28, 2007. Fire photo also from the LA Times.
Jacques Cousteau called the oceanic white-tip "the most dangerous of all sharks." Surprisingly, this shark is the cause of more fatal shark attacks than all other sharks combined, and the total number of fatalities is probably in the thousands.I'm even more amazed to learn this. The author, John Monk, concludes with a conservation message:
While it's important to support efforts to protect all sea life, it's important to protect sharks to maintain a healthy marine environment.
Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He won't answer anymore
Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian
Nor the Marine that went to war
The worst thing about Mr. Gore, from the conservative point of view, is that he keeps being right....
Consider the policy implications of taking climate change seriously.
“We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals,” said F.D.R. “We know now that it is bad economics.” These words apply perfectly to climate change. It’s in the interest of most people (and especially their descendants) that somebody do something to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, but each individual would like that somebody to be somebody else. Leave it up to the free market, and in a few generations Florida will be underwater.
More than half of the world’s 19 penguin species are in danger of extinction, yet only one, the Galapagos Penguin, is currently listed under the Endangered Species Act.Miriam and Alice must really be picking up the spirit of the times. Their fund-raiser fits in with both Al Gore's Nobel Prize and with Blogger Action Day.
On November 28, 2006, the Center petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list 12 of the world’s 19 penguin species under the Endangered Species Act. This protection would provide a vital safety net for these species on the brink of extinction, and also help alert the public to the preventable tragedy of their decline.