Thursday, May 11, 2006

Meanwhile, back at home...

From the Ann Arbor News:

Jewish celebration picketed

Pro-Palestinian protesters target Israeli Independence Day event
Monday, May 08, 2006
News Special Writer

While about 300 people gathered Sunday at the Jewish Community Center in Ann Arbor to celebrate Israel's independence, about 30 pro-Palestinian rights advocates chanted through bullhorns on the sidewalks outside the center's private property.

Ann Arbor police were called to the Birch Hollow Drive site to ensure a peaceful afternoon for both sides.

"Sadly, we've grown accustomed to their shameful behavior. We don't think that screaming at children is the way Israelis and Palestinians should behave,'' said Jeff Levin, executive director of the Jewish Federation of Washtenaw County.


I don't know how long the article will remain online, but here is the URL:

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