Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Teen girl killed, at least 16 wounded as Hezbollah rockets slam into northern cities"

The rockets are falling on people that we met. Here are news stories:

July 25, 2006:
"A 15-year-old girl was killed and over a dozen people were wounded Tuesday as Hezbollah gunners renewed their bombardment of villages and cities across northern Israel, launching an estimated total of 90 rockets. In Maghar, Da'a Abbas was killed when a rocket directly struck a residential home in a Muslim neighborhood in the Galilee village. Magen David Adom medical crews reported that the girl's 30-year-old brother was seriously hurt and her 12-year-old sister was moderately wounded. Two more rockets landed in the village, lightly wounding two people; 20 more people suffered from shock. Village residents said they are not looking to blame anyone, but call on both sides to end the fighting. 'This situation cannot go on,' a resident said."

From Ynet: "A 15 year-old girl was killed Tuesday afternoon when a rocket fired from Lebanon hit the northern Druze village of Mrar, near Carmiel in the Galilee region. According to reports, the rocket landed near the village’s mosque. One man was seriously injured in the attack, a girl sustained moderate injuries, and two boys were lightly injured. Some 20 people suffered from shock."

Mrar (also spelled Maghar) is the village that we visited two months ago. See "Mrar, a Druse Village" my post of May 24, 2006.

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