Friday, August 25, 2006

Antisemites, Moslems, Self-Hating Jews Assemble at Ann Arbor Jewish Community Center

There's plenty of room for discussion and dissent, but it seems simply antiJewish to stand on the sidewalk outside a Jewish Community Center with a bullhorn (maybe illegal) recycling slogans from the 1960s. The event inside was positive and in fact nobody really pays any attention to the people outside any more.

Addendum September 16, 2005:
An anonymous comment asked: " Why were they there? Not to protest the second Israeli invasion of Lebanon, by chance.......?"
Answer: In this instance, protest took place before a meeting at the Jewish Community Center concerning the war between Hizbollah and Israel. However, this group of 5 to 15 protestors have been picketing an Ann Arbor synagogue, a local business (owned by a Jewish businessman), and events at the Jewish Community Center for two years or more. They also have been disrupting meetings of the Ann Arbor City Council for at least several months. I referred to them in a post last May 11 ("Meanwhile, back at home..."). The protestors' tactics are anti-Jewish as well as anti-Zionist, as they hold all Jews responsible for all actions of the Israeli government. That is why they picket and disrupt the synagogue, whose members I am told have a variety of political beliefs. (I am not a member of the picketed synagogue).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Why were they there?

    Not to protest the second Israeli invasion of Lebanon, by chance.......?
