Friday, August 04, 2006

Rockets in Migdal Ha Emek and Another Death in Maghar

reports: "At 7:15 p.m. Hizbullah resumed the rocket fire on northern Israel. A number of rockets landed in the Migdal Haemek area, and Magen David Adom security services said two people were lightly injured in the attack."

Ha'aretz reports: "Manal Azzam, a 27-year-old mother of two was killed in the mixed Druze-Muslim-Christian village of Maghar in the Lower Galilee, near Tiberias, when a rocket hit an adjacent apartment. Her children sustained light wounds, and two Maghar residents sustained serious wounds in the strike. Azzam was laid to rest Friday at 7 P.M."

These are two places we visited in May. I am more and more desperate about the war. I feel for the people suffering from the bombardment.

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