Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two Open-Air Markets in Kona

It's hard to grasp that these are real flowers that grow in here.

The dragon fruit (above) grows on a cactus. Litchis (below) are another local product.

A whole stall sells only orchids.

This morning we went to a small Saturday-only market at the nearby shopping center. Small scale farmers sell their own products here, including Kona Lisa coffee.

We've also made a couple of trips to the downtown marketplace where craftsmen, produce resellers, and various small entrepreneurs sell a wide variety of goods -- Aloha shirts made here; Indonesian hats and sarongs; artificial and genuine flower leis; local and imported fruit and vegetables; carved wood sculpture from various southeast Asian places. Also services like massage (performed with feet in sight of all passers-by) and temporary glitter tatoos.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Assume you have outrun the hurricane, I could go just to lool at the flowers. Beautiful.

