Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Waiting for a Hurricane

All day we've been waiting for the hurricane that's moving slowly toward us on the Big Island of Hawaii. The schools are closed. We bought a couple of gallons of water and a lot of food. I thought we should have something non-perishable, so I bought a bag of M&Ms but we already ate quite a few of them. I cooked our chicken early in case of a power and water failure. We are now waiting for the hurricane to hit. The sky is grey.

Every few hours there's an update. This morning: no dive boat for us as the expected rain and wind time was mid-morning. We go with a really responsible dive operation -- the greedier, less concerned ones took their boats out and won their bet.

So we walked on the beach a bit, looking at the dead-calm water under sunny skies. Around noon, the clouds came in, but the sea remained dead calm -- it still is. We went up to the nearby shopping center for a Thai lunch. We went to Borders and bought some new books (for me, another book about Pele, goddess of fire, who's being upstaged by her sea-goddess sisters today). We drove down the beach. We started to get out of the car but the lifeguards' job today is keeping all people off the beaches. We went to the pool where the furniture is all indoors inside the weight room.

We are waiting for the hurricane. It is on track to hit the island, at least at the edge.

PS: We mostly didn't feel the earthquake last night. It's sure almost exciting here!

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