Monday, May 05, 2008

Yes, she has a graphic

I googled and found an image of the troubled Mona Lisa that shows a grapic. Also, from CNN I learned that the Mona Lisa is "a luxury cruise liner that went into service in 1966."

UPDATE: this is evidently a really badly run ship. In 2004 the New York Times reported on the problems with tourists in Venice. Paolo Costa, Mayor of Venice, has a "nightmare vision ... that one of the many ocean liners that sail through Venice every year will eventually go prow-first onto St. Mark's Square. Earlier this month, that nearly happened when a 655-foot-long cruise ship named the Mona Lisa beached in the fog in a muddy channel off the square." (See Venice Journal; To Venetians' Sorrow, the Sightseers Come in Battalions)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    vous regardez partout.....
