Monday, August 04, 2008


As the sun was coming up over the mountain, our dive boat approached our first dive site today. The water was beautiful, and I enjoyed snorkeling while Len and 5 other divers went underwater with Mike of Aloha Diving, the best on earth! Here are some of the fish they saw:
Longfin Anthias -- a rare Hawaiian native.

Fried Egg Nudibranch

Soldier Fish

Whitemouth Eel -- click on the photo to see his teeth!

Here are a few more, beginning with three different hawkfish, and ending with a picture of Mike with a cleaner shrimp cleaning his mouth. When he told us he was going to do this, we thought it was just one of his usual teasing jokes. But he really takes out his regulator and lets the shrimp nibble his lips as they do to the large fish and eels that come to their cleaning station.

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