Friday, November 07, 2008

T-Shirt Wrap Up

First, above, my only shirt not made of ordinary cotton: this is from a designer and made of stretch nylon. Mona Lisa wraps around from front to back. Not easy to wear!

And the rest follow. The last shirt commemorates "The Mona Lisa of the Galilee" which is a Greco-Roman mosaic in Israel that reminded the discoverers of Mona Lisa's face. Ironically, a video about the mosaic (playing in an exhibit I saw once) seemed to think it was a complete coincidence that Roman art would resemble Renaissance art. The script writers seem to have forgotten that Renaissance means rebirth, and the Renaissance painters thought they were giving a new life to Classical art -- that would be Roman and Greek. Not exactly a coincidence. But it's a lovely mosaic, and a nice shirt to end this series.

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