Thursday, January 08, 2009


Torrey pines are an isolated and nearly extinct species of pine, which grow only in Torrey Pines Park near here, and on Santa Rosa Island in the Santa Barbara channel. During a walk at the park yesterday, I enjoyed the historical placard that depicted the old road in the 1920s, which was so steep and winding that it was widely known for its many accidents -- and it was the only road from further north into San Diego. The current road was cut through the rock in the 1930s, and the old road is left within the park, mainly for pedestrians and bikes.

Lenny took most of these bird photos during our walk in the park.

The final photo is from the Coast Walk which starts around 20 minutes walk from our condo and goes to the La Jolla Cove, looking down the cliffs at the barking seals and the roosting cormorants, which I photographed on Tuesday.

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