Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reading Plans

I have a huge stack of books that I plan to read; three of them just arrived from What ambition! I am almost done with rereading Iain Pears' An Instance of the Fingerpost. I might be done tonight. The stack will probably take three or four weeks.

I should just take a photo of the spines, but instead, here's the list of books I plan to read or reread:
  • David Grossman: See Under: Love
  • Karen Maitland: Company of Liars
  • Diane Ackerman: The Zookeeper's Wife
  • Virginia Woolf: Jacob's Room & The Waves (one volume, 2 novels)
  • Aravind Adiga: The White Tiger
  • Jacques Attali: La crise, et apres? (recent gift from our friend Michelle in Paris)
  • Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina

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