Sunday, June 24, 2012

Solstice Festival

The sun is shining, and it's almost the longest day of the year ...

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Welcome the sun with rows and rows of dancers in sparkly costumes ...

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Bands of drummers with an African god for a leader ...

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Dragons and monsters including Nessie, pushed by a man in a kilt ...

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Families and kids buying gauzy halos and polka-dot wings from street vendors with carts...

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Handmade floats powered only by human labor, like this one with Ganesha onboard and a blue Hindu god pushing it down the parade route...

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Santa Barbara has a long tradition of an alternative parade for the summer solstice, which took place yesterday. We bicycled down to the parade route and around the car-challenged city. For lots more photos, click on any of these to see them on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Solstice is one of my favorite (two) days of the year. I love the idea of a parade!
