Here's a photo of the lower falls from Artist's Point, around a mile from the falls. The upper falls are to the right of the upper falls -- you can only see them from a viewpoint facing them at a different parking area.
After our view of the upper falls, we decided to hike down 328 steps to look up the canyon at the lower falls. The stairway is remarkable, with very long stretches of metal stairs separated by landings with benches for the weary. The top of the stairs is already quite a bit downhill from the parking area.
Finally, we reached the bottom. The walk back up the stairs and trail was brutal!
A couple of days later in Grand Teton Park, we took a boat across Jenny Lake and hiked up to a much smaller waterfall called Hidden Falls. The trail goes alongside the rapids below the falls. Note: it's much better to go up first. But you don't always have a choice!
The falls are very appealing, though the trail is rather crowded. Cool air rushes down with the mountain stream, a relief on a quite warm and somewhat dusty hike. We continued up from the falls for a while -- the chipmunks that liked my feet were at a viewpoint where we overlooked the lake.
Soon I'll post more pictures, including a photo of the boat on Jenny Lake.
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