Friday, February 15, 2013

Puako Petroglyph Park

We walked around 1.5 miles today through a tulgey wood to a petroglyph field. (Len thinks the wood wasn't quite damp enough to be really tulgey, but I found it tulgey.)

The petroglyphs were carved by Hawaiians in the early days, around 300 years ago. They walked a long trail parallel to the beach, sleeping in small natural shelters in the rock. Little is known about why they walked and why they carved many images in certain fields of lava rock. Here are a few examples.

Me taking photos of the petroglyph field
The beach nearby has particularly deep blue water, and across the straight you can see Haleakala, which seemed to be producing occasional puffs of steam or sulphur gas. What a magnificent setting!

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