Sunday, May 19, 2013

Aroma Image of the Day

Lilacs blooming

We rode past a beautiful lilac bush on our bikes today, coming home from the Bonsai Festival at the Matthei Botanical Gardens. The festival celebrated the opening of a new outdoor display area for the extensive bonsai collection of the gardens; it included a concert of koto music. The music included a few short pieces that sounded like traditional Japanese music and a couple of pieces that sounded like the sound track of a Miazaki film. The finale was an elaborate version of "El Condor Pasa" that sounded more like Simon and Garfunkel than like the Inca flute and drum players that often busk in public spaces in large cities (or used to do it, I haven't seen any recently).

A few images from the festival, no particular aroma associations:


1 comment:

  1. I love Matthei! Wish I'd known about this one -- I really like bonsai, too.

    Weren't the lilacs beautiful this year? Seemed to stick around longer -- I saw some that were still going the other day. I'm lucky that my neighbor's lilac tree is near my window so I get free sniffs -- and sometimes, free lilacs, too!
