Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gay Pride March, Boulevard Saint Michel

Ready for the Gay Pride Parade?
As we walked around the Latin Quarter this morning we saw two wildly dressed men on the street. It's Paris, we didn't think much about it, but later we heard about a huge gay pride demonstration that was scheduled for 3 PM, just as we were finishing lunch at the Balzar Brasserie with our friend Michelle.

As we turned into Boulevard Saint Michel, we saw dozens of police cars and vans, and then heard and saw the beginning of the march. We watched it for quite a while, but I think it lasted all afternoon. We went on to a fabulous Chagall exhibit at the Musee de Luxembourg, and it was just finishing when we left the museum at around 5 PM.

Marchers near the beginning of the demonstration

Marchers were organized into groups according to organizations they belong to.
Many were special LGBT groups, others in leftist organizations.

Police with riot shields were on the sidewalk, just in case any anti-gay attackers showed up.


  1. I love their outfits -- but I would have enjoyed Chagall more! Sigh...

  2. the cops are in front of the Lycee St louis, where my daughter studied
