Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The John Denver Memorial Garden

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My cycling buddy Maria at the Denver Memorial
Never much of a John Denver fan, I nevertheless really like the John Denver Memorial Garden in Aspen. Boulders of many sizes are arranged in interesting patterns; the largest are inscribed with his songs. The flower gardens are exceptionally well-tended, with a beautiful path beside the river.

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"Rocky Mountain High" 

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"Perhaps Love"
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Flowers in the garden
My new friend Maria, whose husband is in the same workshop as Len, spent a lot of time with me today, looking around the John Denver Memorial, riding bikes, eating lunch, and looking around Aspen. We even stopped in the over-the-top designer and vintage resale shop and looked at some amazing Pucci dresses from the 60s (all very tiny with large prices).


  1. Lovely lush green pictures Mae. A bit different that we are experiencing right now. I think I will add that garden to my list.

  2. It's beautiful. I love the stones with lyrics -- but I've always been a fan of his music. This is a spot I'd like to visit.

  3. The setting and the design of the garden are really wonderful, Jeanie. I hope you do get here some day.
