Sunday, November 03, 2013

To the Field Museum of Natural History

Waiting for the Metra Train from Hyde Park to the Field Musuem.
The train was 10 minutes late.
Just past the Metra station near the Field Museum.
Walking towards the museum...
The Field Museum
The stunning lakeshore from the Field Museum steps. 
In the main courtyard is Sue, the Museum's prize T-Rex. Sue was unearthed in 1990
Getting to the museum on a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning was fun. Once inside the museum, I visited the current special exhibit about the 1893 World's Fair, as well as several permanent exhibits on Native Americans; African countries of Senegal, Benin, and Cameroon; Spirits of the Pacific, especially New Guinea; Tibet; and a few others. I'll post a few more photos later. I also walked through a visiting exhibit from the US Holocaust Museum on Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda: chilling, of course.


  1. Did you see the dollhouse made by actress Colleen Moore? I used to have the most magnificent book with photos that looked so real, it truly seemed like a real castle. Alas... I loaned it to someone and it was never returned.

  2. Oops. I goofed. The Moore dollhouse is in Museum of Science and Industry!
