Friday, March 14, 2014


Every day of our trip in Panama and Costa Rica included a visit to a beautiful beach. The photos above show a selection of beaches, including the one with optional horseback riding, which we didn't do.

A tiny island called Granito de Oro in Coiba Island National Park was one of the most impressive. It's so tiny that it's dreamlike.

This was our first look at Granito de Oro, which means little gold nugget.
You can see the wide sand  beach in front of the rocky tip.
On Granito de Oro. We snorkeled around the small rocky point beyond the sand.
Underwater pictures I took while snorkeling are here.
To get from the Sea Bird to the beaches: a zodiac boat (also called a DIB). Life jackets mandatory!
This shows how we got from the Sea Bird into the zodiac -- with help from a crew member.
At the beach, one steps off the boat into the waves. I always got off the boat barefooted.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful cruise! My husband keeps talking about taking a cruise to the Panama Canal but somehow we don’t – last year we took a cruise from New Orleans, and the year before to the Black Sea and Ukraine. Your pictures are lovely and show how much fun this must have been.
