Monday, May 19, 2014

Magee Marsh

A few of yesterday's Magee Marsh warblers from Len's Flickr page. Most recent photos from Len here.
From all over the world, committed birdwatchers come to Magee Marsh near Toledo to see the migrating warblers and other birds. As they come up the flyway, the birds are stopped by the necessity to fly across Lake Erie, so they land in the woods where it's very easy to see them. Elsewhere warblers are much more spread out and difficult to see. We spent several hours, starting early in the morning.

In the green space next to the parking lot, a woodcock is sitting on a nest.
An eagle also has a nest in the parking lot, but we didn't take a photo.
Birdwatchers and their equipment as we walked along the boardwalk where the warblers hang out:

Far right: Len and his rental lens that he
was trying out.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. Reminds me of when I went raptor watching. Len's camera is amazing -- and so is he!
