Thursday, June 19, 2014


Our dive boat left Honokohau Harbor this morning around 8,
carrying all the gear for 8 divers and me, snorkeler.
Jeff, the captain, not only drives the boat and helps the divers, but also puts in a couple of fishing lines when time
permits. In the top photo, you can see the skyline of the Big Island. At right: a fish farm near the dive site. 
The dive briefing: dive-master Kerry (owner of Kona Diving Co.)
gives details on what fish the divers could hope to see.
Len about to plunge in.

I saw beautiful sun-lit coral heads while snorkeling, and one really crazy pink & yellow parrot fish that kept popping up from the coral and swimming in circles or darting at other fish. We returned to the dock around 1 PM. Everyone seemed happy except the one dry-suit diver who had an equipment failure and had to wait out the second dive.

Update: one of today's fish pictures from Len's dive:
For more pictures, see Len's photo stream on Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a great time. Keep the pictures coming:)
