Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mona and Cats

My new Mona Lisa Piggy Bank, a hand-made ceramic from Peru,
purchased at Peaceable Kingdom in downtown Ann Arbor.
I'm so delighted with my beautiful new Mona Lisa piggybank that I am interrupting my series of pictures from my trip to Holland to include her.

However, I'm now going to continue this post with several photos of cats that I took while walking around the picturesque streets of Amsterdam and other Dutch cities.

Amsterdam, a beautiful day, many people were
sitting on the stoops of their houses.
Cat on a canal barge. 
Another cat. 
Window cats.
Cat about to cross a street in The Hague.
These cats are dedicated to my blogger friend and cat lover, Jeanie of the Marmelade Gypsy.


  1. Hi Mae!

    I am finally catching up on visiting people -- I've spent so much time off line that just getting posts up has been a challenge. I'm eager to look through ALL your Holland pix but I especially love these, of course. Especially the orange boys, which so remind me of my Gyp. You know, I didn't see cats in Amsterdam -- I'm glad you did!

    LOVE the Mona Bank! It's so perfect for you!

    Thanks for the dedication -- more comments to come SOON!

  2. Hi Mae!

    Congratulations on your new "friend." Very cool...Good snaps of the kitties too:) Thanks for sharing, Mae...
