Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Swallows on a Wall

Swallows on the wall of the historic San Pedro House near Sierra Vista, Arizona
This morning we took a walk starting at the San Pedro House in the Riparian National Conservation Area near the San Pedro River. The gardens near the house were full of birds, especially doves, finches, and other small birds coming to several bird feeders. As we walked we saw vermillion flycatchers swooping between trees, we saw towhees and other little birds near the water, and we enjoyed the beautiful cottonwoods and other trees growing along the river banks.

The San Pedro River is small but beautiful -- especially beautiful because the surrounding land is so dry.
Pond near the Santa Cruz River.

Animal tracks near the river.
We are now in Patagonia, Arizona, at a very pleasant Bed & Breakfast, and have explored a bit of the bird life near here, including another famous hummingbird feeding station.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up. That swallow photo is particularly beautiful, almost enigmatic. I love it. Sounds like a fun trip -- lots of posts to go!
