Sunday, April 12, 2015

Tucson: Sabino Canyon and Mount Lemmon

From a family visit in my distant past, I remembered Sabino Canyon as a restful place completely in contrast to
the extremely arid Tucson desert. Yesterday as we hiked and searched for birds there and at Mt. Lemmon,
I found that my memories were quite accurate and in some ways surprisingly detailed. 
A dessert bunny was on the path just after we started our walk.
Our guide, Laurens, knew all about not only birds but also lizards, mammals,
butterflies, and cactus. He was a fabulous bird finder!
His website is here.
Up on Mt. Lemmon, at a site known to our guide, we spent at least an hour looking for this red-faced warbler, which Len finally managed to photograph. These warblers had just arrived in the area one or two days ago. They were singing their territories and preparing to nest -- we heard them a lot more than we saw them.
A black-chinned hummingbird on her nest.
Nearby we talked to a group of people who
are banding the hummingbirds to trace their migration routes. 
Pyrrhuloxia, a beautiful bird we saw near the stream at Sabino Canyon.
For lots more bird photos that he took yesterday, see Len's Flickr set.


  1. Hello Mae, thanks for these pics and commentary. I have also visited there and it is lovely to bring back the memories. Great pictures and reminds me that the loveliest place on earth is always the last place I was..:)

  2. Beautiful birds but what really captures me is that magnificent first photo and the cacti reflected in the pond. Stunning.
