Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mosquito Walk

Coral mushrooms growing on the path.
Summer in Michigan: We tried a bird walk this morning, but all we saw were two robins and thousands of mosquitos. 

In the tall grass: mosquito territory! 

The swampy area is deep in mud. And swarming with insects.


  1. Oh yeah. Lots of mosquitoes here, too!

  2. I haven't seen too many mosquitoes here in Montreal, Canada, yet, but when I do it is usually at my favourite time of day...dusk/sunset. We had a few very hot and humid days but today and the next couple of days are to be cooler, and this suits me just fine, as the high heat and humidity really affect me in a bad way with my arthritis. Your photos are lovely.

  3. I swear they are the size of bumblebees. OK, not quite. But it sure feels like it. Not too bad in Lansing/city area but up at the lake, especially in the woods -- YIKES! I feel your pain!
