Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 2023

I hope everyone will have a delightful, prosperous, healthy, productive, and enjoyable year in 2023.

Another year of blog posts about food, travel, and books is complete, and I continue posting at 

I plan to keep posting there, as I have for several years since I consolidated my efforts into just one blog. As the end of the year quickly approaches, I wanted to find a way to wrap up one of our favorite activities. Some years I feature favorite meals or favorite bird -- this year, here are some of my favorite art experiences, as reported at

Washington, D.C. March, 2022

Charlottesville Art Park. March, 2022

Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, NM. April, 2022.

Are fireworks art? Burns Park, Ann Arbor. July 4, 2022.

The Fox Center in Iceland. An unusual museum! August, 2022.

Museums in Greenland often document the skills of kayaking. August, 2022.

Outdoor art in Greenland includes some fantastic rock carving.       

University of Michigan Museum of Art, September, 2022.

Among the fabulous museums in Holland: the Mauritshaus in the Hague. November, 2022.

Three Van Gogh Museums

Detroit Institute of Arts: "Van Gogh in America." November, 2022.                 

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum. December, 2022.

The Kröller-Müller Museum, November, 2022.

Blog post and photos © 2022 mae sander

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