Tuesday, October 08, 2013


In each palace or castle that we visited in Poland, I was impressed by the chairs, antique and modern. In the top row above are a few thrones once occupied by the kings of Poland, and on the right, a bishop or priest's chair in the church in Krakow. The throne on the far left is a reconstruction, as the main royal palace in downtown Warsaw was first burned and later destroyed with explosives during the Nazi occupation beginning in 1939. The embroidered symbols on the wall hanging were reproduced from one surviving medallion that was taken by an officer as a souvenir, and later returned to Poland.

Conference dinner Thursday night at a palace outside Warsaw, property of the Polish Academy of Science.
Pre-dinner drinks were served in a large round room furnished with 18th century style chairs.
You could sit in them if you wanted to!
The dining room for the conference dinner: the two conference organizers and two participants.
More antique (or antique-style) chairs surrounded the room.
Friday night concert: chairs for both musicians and audience were very modern, made from clear plastic.
As a result, one could better see the palace's wood parquet floor.
The excellent performers for the all-Mozart program were members of the Warszawska Opera Kameralna.
Of course I didn't take photos while they were singing.

1 comment:

  1. I would have been afraid to sit in one of those chairs -- what if it broke! I love seeing all the styles but I'm especially impressed with the clear plastic chairs for the musicians. That's a good idea. And who would want to cover that floor?
