Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Folk Art and Other Tourist Goods

As in most places where tourists go, Poland offers lots of souvenirs: woodcarvings and other folk art; jewelry, especially made from Baltic Amber; dolls of various kinds, and special ceramics with multi-floral designs and geometric designs. On my trip last week, I bought little, but found the shop windows very enjoyable.

Nesting wood dolls are made in Poland as well as in Russia

The folk-art market in Krakow, shown here in the evening, offers dozens of stalls with a wide selection of souvenirs.

Inside the Krakow market
A flower market, with both fresh and dry flowers, was in the square outside the Krakow market
when we walked by on Saturday morning just after arriving by train.
Carvings of caricatures of old-style rabbis, Jewish musicians, and Jewish workmen are also very common in both Krakow and Warsaw. None are depicted here because I find them insensitive and offensive, considering what happened to the people who inspired them. Figures of Polish peasants and other subjects seem less objectionable.

Wood carvings also frequently decorate shops and restaurants in the Old City.
I like these modern figures.

1 comment:

  1. I think you can imagine I would be right there, first thing at the morning -- and probably a lot less restrained in the shopping than I think you were!
